(Japanese) 4/7/10. Number 1: Konjiki No Gash Bell (Zatch Bell)

Konjiki no Gash bell, or A.K.A Zatch bell in american version

(Note: There are 2 Konjiki no Gash Bell Movies, #1:Spell book of the 101st mamodo, and #2:Attack of the Mecha-Vulcan)(Note: in the manga Zatch bell earns 12 spells)

The English adaptation of the Zatch Bell anime premieredon Cartoon Network's Toonami on March 5, 2005 to January 20, 2007, but only dubbed the series to episode 104,and canceled the show. But there are 150 episodes.(There are 33 manga volumes)

To understand the show you must know what a mamodo is.
A mamodo (or demon in japan) are kids with magic powers
who require a human to read their book.One hundred mamodo go to the human world, every 1,000 years to determine the mamodo king. A mamodo starts with the first spell and gain spells, if the human and the mamodo win battles, put more emotion into the book, or simply wait for a new spell. If a spell book is burned, they return to the mamodo world loosing their chances to become king.(Note: You cannot burn your own book.) The mamodo last standing without there book being burned is the mamodo king.

Season 1: Zatch bell, a young boy who came to Kiyo takamine's house and reveals that his father sent him to
train him. Zatch gives Kiyo a letter from his father which reveals that Kiyo's father found an amnesic Zatch unconscious in the forest and with him was a red book in a mysterious language. During at school, a similar child, with a similar book is using wind techniques. When, Kiyo reads the spell "Zaker" from Zatch's red book
and Zatch fires lightning Eido(similar child), scaring them away. In the distance, a mysterious pair reveal the Mamodo battle has begun.
          Kiyo walking to school with Zatch, notice that the lake has been frozen. Kiyo notices a man named Hosokawa holding a light blue book with a child named Reycom. On the way home, Kiyo notices Suzy on television in the middle of a bank robbery committed by Hosokawa. Kiyo hesitant to help her, is persuaded by Zatch to save Suzy. Kiyo bikes there and he and Zatch are launched from a bike into the bank. Kiyo attempts to get Zatch to fire lightning by reading "Zaker" from Zatch's book but nothing occurs. Hosokawa demands Kiyo's book and threatens to shoot Suzy. Kiyo wanting to save Suzy, shouts "Zaker" and Zatch simultaneously fires lightning from his mouth causing Hosokawa and Reycom to fly out of the bank. At home, Kiyo realizes the book responds to the user's emotions. Kiyo realizes Zatch has become stronger and notices another page of Zatch's book has become read-able.
               Zatch realizes from the battle that he was the cause of the lightning attacks. The next day, Kiyo spots Zatch trying to boast about his ability to fire lightning. They get into an argument and Zatch runs away. Zatch later meets and befriends a dog which accompanies him to Kiyo's house. At home, Kiyo is visited by the mysterious pair from before. They reveal Zatch is a Mamodo from the Mamodo World and when the book of that Mamodo is burned, the Mamodo is sent back to the Mamodo world. It is also revealed that every thousand years, a Mamodo battle occurs and the last one remaining on Earth becomes the next Mamodo King. They then demand Kiyo to surrender his book saying it would only bring trouble. Zatch, overhearing this, leaves with the dog. He runs into a mysterious man who uses a spell revealing the dog was actually a Mamodo. The mysterious man, Renji, reveals he is the book user of the dog Mamodo, Gofure. Zatch is
unwilling to fight, believing he a monster and Kiyo would be better off without him. The pair easily defeat Renji and burn his book. During the battle, the pair are revealed to be Sherry Belmont and Brago. Using Gravirei , they demand Kiyo to surrender his book or be killed by the spell. Kiyo refuses saying Zatch is his friend who saved him and that he will repay the favour. The pair prepare to use their strongest spell, "Gigano Reis". Zatch happy Kiyo considers him a friend, regains the will to fight. Using "Zaker" they were able to cancel the Brago's spell but Kiyo losses consciousness in the blast. Sherry decides to spare Kiyo and Zatch and leave saying they shall return for Zatch's book one day.    (Ep 4 & 5)   

 (Note: This is the season from which zatch gets his 6 spells) (This season has 50 episodes)

Season 2: (After episode 50)
In a cave, a masked Mamodo stares at his collection of stone tablets. The Mamodo then shines light on the stone tablet and releases three Mamodos from there. Elsewhere, Brago and Sherry defeat the final weak Mamodo and continue their hunt for Zofis. Kiyo and Zatch receives an invitation from a hypnotized Suzy to go to a party hosted by Milordo-Z. Realizing that this has to do with the Mamodo battles, they head to the location. Once there, Milordo-Z reveals that he wants to recruit Zatch to be his companion in the Mamodo battle and offers him three mind controlled slaves and three Mamodos in return. Kiyo and Zatch are angered by the way Milordo-Z treats humans and prepare to battle him. Milordo-Z uses his mind controlled minions to attack while he leaves with his book owner. After Zatch burns the books of the three mind-controlled Mamodo's, they leave the mansion, now in ruins, and Zatch promises to stop Milordo-Z from becoming the Mamodo king.
    Kiyo's school is getting a usual physical checkup and Kiyo finds out that he is doing much better than last checkup. His friends decide to place a bet and that whoever wins in the course of the physical checkup, gets the loser's portion of lunch. Elsewhere, a Mamdo named Penny it telling her partner Uri about her love Zatch. At that moment, she finds Zatch who reveals he does not know who she is. Penny angered by Zatch forgetting about their "love" chases him down. Zatch still chased by a rampaging Penny, finds Kiyo. Kiyo realizing she is a Mamodo leads her to an empty area at the school to battle. Kiyo tries to tell Penny that Zatch lost his memories fails to do so. Penny and Uri begin their battle with Zatch and Kiyo.
    Kiyo and Zatch manage to survive Penny's attack She tells Zatch if he apologies, she will forgive him and stop her attack. Zatch apologizes; Penny then asks Zatch if he likes her, and he replies he does not since he does not know her. This enrages Penny and she begins to attack them again. Kiyo uses "Rauzaruk" in order for Zatch to get close enough to Penny to use "Zakeruga" but on the attempt, realizes no spells can be used while "Rauzaruk" is in effect. Penny uses "So Giaku" which summons a water dragon and but Zatch's "Bao Zakeruga" overpowers her spell. At that moment, a Mamodo named Byonko appears revealing he is recruiting Mamodos for a plan to wipe out the remaining Mamodos. The enemy then makes their escape. Penny meets Milordo-Z who reveals that the stone tablets contain the Mamodo's from the previous battle a thousand years ago. Milordo-Z reveals that a special kind of light will free the Mamodos and that Penny will lead them to defeat Zatch. (Ep. 51-53)
(Note: this next part is where brago and zofis are fighting)
    Brago's spell defeats Zofis' and Koko is saved from falling into the magma. Zofis tells Sherry that once his book is burned, Koko will regain her persona but will retain the memories of all her evil deeds committed with Zofis thus she will suffer from guilt until she will not have the will to live anymore. Sherry orders Zofis to erase Koko's memory but refuses. Brago tells Zofis that he has been afraid of Brago and has been running from him ever since. He threatens Zofis by asking him if he wants to run away for the rest of his life in the Mamodo world. Zofis agrees to Sherry's demands. Before leaving, Sherry tells Kiyo the reason she wanted to fight Zofis alone was to make sure Zofis' book was not burnt so Koko's memory could be erased. As the battle is over, Laila asks the team to burn her book as her Mamodo battle ended a thousand years ago. She tells them one of them must become the Mamodo King before she disappears. Everyone hereafter continue their lives. Koko who has no memories of the past months thanks Sherry for saving her and they happily hug. Grateful for Brago, she tells him she shall make him the Mamodo King. (Ep.88)
(Note: This season is where zatch gets his 7th spell)(This season also has 50 episodes)

Season 3: (After episode 100)
In a deserted area, a mamodo world structure has appeared in the human world. Elsewhere, a mamodo named Ted and his partner Jido have came to mochinoki city. Ted searches for a job to get money to pay for lodging. Ted wanders into the park after failing to find a job and finds a box. He plans to lodge in that box but when he peeks inside, spots Zatch. They get into an argument and begin competing against each other. They
then become friends. Jido finds Ted in the park and hits him for planning to camp out instead of searching for a job. Ted tells Jido they can stay at Zatch's place. Kiyo comes home and finds the guests and their book. He tells Jido he is not interested in fighting and Jido replies he does not as well and that Ted is not aiming to become the Mamodo king. That night a Mamodo named Arth and his partner Ellie challenge Zatch and Kiyo
to a battle, claiming Zatch is a user of Bao and therefore a threat to the world. Arth overpowers Zatch and prepares to deliver the final attack but is interrupted by the appearance of Jido and Ted. Elsewhere Zeno is at the location of the mysterious structure and wonders why it is in the human world.
    Ted continues battling Arth and gains the advantage. Kiyo realizes that Arth's sword absorbs energy which explains Zatch's exhaustion from the battle. Jido uses a spell and Ted's strength and speed increase. Jido reveals Ted's spells increase his power one level at a time but takes time to store enough energy to cast them. Ellie decides to use a higher
level spell giving Arth the advantage against Ted. Zatch manages to connect "Zagurzem" to Arth's sword and uses "Bao Zakuerga". Arth having survived the attack, leaves with Ellie who comments that Zatch has not learned how to use Bao's true power. They then decide to deal with the second threat to the world, Faudo. (Ep. 101-102)
(Note: This is the part where zatch is battling zeno).
 "Bao Zakeruga" defeats Zeno and causes his book to burn. Before he disappears, Zeno destroys the gem which controls Faudo and tells Zatch if he deserves Bao, he should be able to stop Faudo. Kiyo teleports everyone out of Faudo excluding himself and Zatch using Faudo's system. As Japan nears Faudo's sight, Kiyo plans to use the teleportation device and teleport in front of Faudo and defeat him with "Bao Zakeruga", however if the distance between them and Faudo is incorrect, "Bao Zakeruga" will be severely weakened. Outside, Sherry and Brago are able to stop Faudo's movement with "Baber Gravidon" allowing Kiyo to teleport Zatch and himself out. Using "Bao Zakeruga" they destroy Faudo. After an unknown time period, Kiyo and Zatch meet Sherry and Brago in the grassland and prepare to battle each other.(Ep.150)  

I really think you should read the manga of this, very good story
I would rate the show a 8.5/10 and the manga 10/10
 If you need to know about more characters or about the story email me at anime.rating@gmail.com