(Japanese) 4/18/10 Number 3 : Dragon Ball Z

Dragon ball z has 291 episodes, and 9 seasons. 13 movies and 4 specials. This is the continuation of dragon ball. 

Season 1: Saiyan Saga
Five years have passed since Goku's victory at the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament. Goku's son, Gohan, is wandering around the woods outside of his house when a tiger steals his hat. While he's looking for the tiger, he accidentally falls into a river. Goku, searching for his son, finds his hat. He suddenly sees Gohan floating down a river, but he can't reach him in time before he goes over a waterfall. Goku looks up and sees Gohan clinging to a branch, having somehow jumped out of the river. With Gohan safe, they head to Master Roshi's house. Meanwhile, a mysterious alien has arrived on Earth looking for a man named Kakarrot. With a special device he wears on his head, he searches for high power levels on Earth. He finds Piccolo, whose attack is completely ineffective. Suddenly, the alien locates another high power level and takes off. 
            Goku and Gohan arrive at Master Roshi's island to meet Bulma, Krillin, Master Roshi, and Turtle. As the old friends catch up, the same mysterious alien arrives at the island and reveals himself: he is a Saiyan warrior named Raditz, and he is Goku's older brother. He also reveals that Goku's real Saiyan name is Kakarrot. Goku learns that he was sent to destroy all life on Earth, but his memory loss from a terrible fall as a child prevented this outcome. Raditz came to Earth to get Goku to join him and the other two remaining Saiyans, and he won't accept a refusal. 
            In order to get Goku to join him, Raditz kidnaps Gohan and orders Goku to kill 100 Earthlings before the next day. Goku tries to stop him, but not even he could stop his brother's power. Even though he's no match for him, Goku will do whatever it takes to save his son. Suddenly, Piccolo appears and proposes that he and Goku team up in order to stop Raditz. He had seen Raditz's power while the Saiyan was looking for Goku, and he knows that neither of them are a match for this alien. 
            Goku and Piccolo throw everything they've got against Raditz, but it seems that even their combined power stops short of Raditz's own strength. However, Piccolo has an idea that might beat him: the Special Beam Cannon, his newest and most powerful technique. But, he has to power up to make it work. He requires five minutes to gather the strength, and Goku does his best to give him that. 
            As Raditz tortures Goku, Gohan bursts out of Raditz's spaceship and hurls himself into Raditz with incredible power that stuns the Saiyan. However, Gohan's power disappears as quickly as it surfaced, leaving him defenseless against his father's attacker. In a last-ditch effort to save his son, Goku gets Raditz in a hold that leaves both of them open to Piccolo's ultimate technique. Goku urges Piccolo to use it, even at the expense of his own life. Piccolo then starts to wonder whether or not he should use it. Despite Raditz's pleas for mercy, Piccolo lets loose his attack, which kills both Goku and Raditz.
            Raditz may be dead, but his last breath brings fear to Earth's protectors. In one year's time, two more Saiyans, more powerful than Raditz, are on their way to Earth to use the Dragon Balls to wish for immortality. To prepare for this threat, Kami takes Goku to the Other World for training with the legendary martial arts master, King Kai. Piccolo decides to take Gohan under his wing, with the hope of tapping into his hidden power. 
(Ep. 1-6) (Season total episode is 39)

Season 2: Namek / Captain Ginyu Saga (After episode 40)
Thanks to the kids' help, Bulma uses a shortcut to get to Namek. After a crash landing on the planet's surface, two Namekians nurse them back to health. They offer to help the three in their search for the Dragon Balls.
As they continue their search for the Dragon Balls, with the Namekians' help, they get closer and closer to attaining all seven. Back on Earth, Goku escapes from the hospital and begins training. Meanwhile, Vegeta's ship has reached its destination, and doctors have begun their work on him. 
Gohan, Krillin, and Bulma are one Dragon Ball away from making their wish. But during their search for the seventh Dragon Ball, their two Namekian friends reveal that they are not Namekians at all. In fact, they're not even on Namek. Meanwhile, Vegeta learns that Frieza has traveled to Namek to gather the Dragon Balls. Not wanting to be beaten to the punch, Vegeta immediately blasts off for Namek.
The two "Namekians" reveal that they have been stuck on this planet since their ship broke down, and they have been planning to steal Bulma's ship. They read their minds after her ship crashed, and so they projected images of Namekians over their true forms. Gohan, Bulma, and Krillin, however, are able to escape the clutches of the two aliens, and continue their trip to Namek. After a long journey, Gohan and the others celebrate their arrival on Namek, but their party is cut short by the arrival of Vegeta. However, he's not even their worst problem, because Frieza is also on Namek.             (Ep. 41-44)

The weakest member of the Ginyu Force, Guldo, steps up to fight against the powered up Krillin and Gohan. Guldo quickly discovers that both Krillin and Gohan are far more powerful than he is, so he uses his special technique: he holds his breath, stopping time. Krillin and Gohan swoop in for the final blow several times, but every time Guldo stops time, and runs to a different location. He then reveals another trick: he uses his mysterious power to completely bind Krillin and Gohan. Unable to move, they are at the mercy of Guldo. Having seen enough, Vegeta steps in and quickly annihilates Guldo.
       The next fighter from the Ginyu Force is the massive Recoome. Vegeta pulls out all the stops, but he is no match for Recoome. The giant begins to toy with Vegeta, despite the pleas from the remaining members of the Ginyu Force. With Vegeta out of commission, Krillin steps in to save him. Though he does his best, he is easily defeated. Since Krillin and Vegeta can't fight anymore, Gohan is the only one left to fight. Captain Ginyu, leader of the Force, locates all seven Dragon Balls, and brings them to Frieza. Frieza tries to make his wish, but realizes he doesn't know what to do. He figures there must be a password. Meanwhile, Gohan gives it everything he has against Recoome, but the giant warrior is too strong. Just as he is about to finish off Gohan, everyone senses a gigantic power arriving on the planet. Krillin, Gohan, and Vegeta realize it is Goku.
          Goku has finally arrived on Namek, and finds Krillin, Gohan, and Vegeta near death. He gives them all a Senzu bean, and prepares to fight the Ginyu Force. With a single blow to the gut, he puts Recoome out of commission. Goku's training at 100x normal gravity has exponentially increased his strength. (Ep. 63-66) (Season 2 has 35 episodes)

Season 3: Freeza Saga (After episode 74)
Krillin and Dende head back to Frieza's ship. Once they arrive, they decide to make the wish now, so Vegeta won't get his wish of immortality. They bring the Dragon Balls to a nearby island, and Dende summons Porunga. Frieza, meanwhile, realizes that Nail is purposely stalling him, and he finishes him off. As the sky suddenly turns black, he realizes that someone must be summoning the dragon, and frantically flies back to his ship. 
            Thanks to Dende, the Eternal Dragon, Porunga, has been summoned. Unlike Shenron, the earth's dragon, Porunga has the power to grant three wishes. Through King Kai, Piccolo tells Gohan to use the first wish to bring him back to life, then use the second to bring him to Namek. The dragon grants these two wishes. While they are thinking of their third wish, Vegeta wakes up. Furious, he flies over to Gohan, Krillin, and Dende, demanding that they wish for his immortality. Before they can decide what to do, Porunga suddenly disappears. Guru has died, so the Dragon Balls die with him. 
            Guru is gone, along with Porunga and Vegeta's wish. Frieza arrives, furious at being denied his wish. He begins to fight with them. Vegeta is confident in his new strength. Meanwhile, Piccolo comes upon Nail's wounded body. Nail tells him to fuse with him, because this transformation might give him enough power to defeat Frieza. Though he is reluctant, Piccolo agrees. He and Nail become one, though it is in Piccolo's body. With his newfound strength, Piccolo continues towards Frieza's ship.
            As the battle continues, Frieza decides to tell Vegeta that it was actually he who destroyed planet Vegeta, wiping out the Saiyan race. Vegeta claims that he knew all along, which was why he hated Frieza so much. Frieza decides to reveal another secret: he can transform. He claims that at full strength, his fighting power is over one million. Eager to finally destroy Vegeta, Frieza transforms into a hideous giant.
            By transforming into a giant, Frieza has gained much more power. Frieza's first victim is Krillin. After seeing his friend attacked, Gohan loses control of himself and unleashes a furious attack on Frieza. Though he is strong, he is not strong enough to stop Frieza, who pounds the inexperienced young warrior. 
            Dende heals Krillin's injuries. Krillin is then able to distract Frieza long enough for Dende to heal Gohan. Though they are both back to full strength, it all seems useless, because none of them are a match for Frieza. Suddenly, Piccolo finally arrives at the scene. He tells them that he will take on Frieza alone. Krillin and Gohan don't understand why he would do this, but Piccolo insists. With his new strength acquired from fusion, he is confident that he can take down Frieza.
            Piccolo and Frieza begin to fight. With his new power, Piccolo is able to hold his own with Frieza. Also, since he is fused with Nail, he is familiar with the way Frieza fights. Inside the isolation chamber in Frieza's spaceship, Goku senses that Piccolo has arrived, and that his strength has dramatically increased. It seems that Piccolo is going to defeat Frieza.
            Piccolo is beating Frieza, but the evil tyrant has another trick up his sleeve: another transformation. He changes into a hideous beast. In this form, Frieza is even more powerful than before. Piccolo begins to fight the new Frieza, but it is clear that Frieza is more powerful. Piccolo is no longer able to hold him off. 
            Frieza is about to finish Piccolo off, but Gohan jumps in front of his energy blast to save him. He then fires a blast of his own at Frieza, but Frieza is able to deflect it. Frieza decides to transform into his final form to finish them off once and for all. Vegeta, however, comes up with a plan to stop him: he asks Krillin to severely injure him, so that when Dende heals him, he'll become much more powerful. Krillin reluctantly gives Vegeta a powerful blast, and the Saiyan falls to the ground. He stumbles over to Dende, demanding that he be healed. Though Dende resists, Gohan and Krillin convince him to do it.
            Frieza realizes that Dende has been healing his opponents, so he kills him. Now in his final form, Frieza seems unstoppable. Gohan and Krillin throw everything they've got at him, but Frieza easily defeates them. Vegeta steps in, telling Frieza that he has now become a Super Saiyan. Unafraid, Frieza takes him on. 
            Despite his dramatic increase in power, Vegeta is no match for Frieza. It seems that he is not a Super Saiyan after all. Gohan, Krillin and Piccolo helplessly look on in horror as Frieza tortures Vegeta. Luckily, Goku has finally recovered. He breaks out of the isolation chamber, and flies to the battlefield. 
            Goku has entered the battlefield stronger than ever and prepares to fight Frieza alone. It seems that Goku might become a Super Saiyan, as he easily deflects Frieza's energy attacks. As Vegeta taunts Frieza, the tyrant easily finishes him off with a cruel bout of laughter. With his last breath, Vegeta tells Goku of what Frieza has done to the Saiyans. (Ep. 75-87) (Season 3 has 32 episodes).

Season 4: Android Saga
With Mr. Shu as his tutor, Gohan's studies become more intense as he still waits for Goku to come back. However, it looks he won't be the only one coming to Earth, for somehow, Frieza is coming to Earth as well. 
Thanks to his father, King Cold, Frieza has survived Namek's explosion and has been repaired. These two tyrants are headed to Earth to exact revenge against Goku.
As Frieza and King Cold prepare to strike, a mysterious young man armed with a sword comes out of nowhere and challenges them to fight. By becoming a Super Saiyan, this young warrior defeats Frieza and King Cold with ease. With the threat over, he tells the others Goku will be coming soon.
Goku finally arrives to Earth, but wonders who this mysterious man is. The young swordsman asks Goku to speak to him privately. Once he and Goku are out of nearly everyone's earshot, his identity is finally revealed, and he is from the future.
Trunks, the son of Bulma and Vegeta, has told Goku of a new threat- two powerful Androids that will bring destruction to Earth.
As Goku and Piccolo train with Gohan, Vegeta trains under very high gravity levels in an effort to become a Super Saiyan.
Three years have passed and Goku and the others arrive on Amembo Island, where the Androids are going to attack as Trunks predicted. Yamcha has found Androids 19 and 20, but is hanging on by a thread as Goku and the others come to his aid. Krillin brings Yamcha to Bulma with the Senzu Beans while Goku leads the Androids away from the city. The fight begins as Goku turns Super Saiyan and fights Android 19.
It looks like Goku has the situation handled, but he discovers 19's absorption technique after firing a Kamehameha.
It looks like the heart virus Trunks warned about came true after all, but at a bad time for Goku as he is in the clutches of Android 19. Suddenly, Vegeta saves Goku and prepares to fight the Androids.
Finally becoming a Super Saiyan, Vegeta easily defeats Android 19, but 20 has escaped to come up with a new plan. Vegeta and the others look for the diabolical Android.
Android 20 prepares to absorb Piccolo to get stronger, but Gohan comes just in time to save him. As Piccolo fights the Android, Trunks returns to the past and has discovered something different about these Androids- he never saw them before!
Bulma arrives on the scene to discover that Android 20 is Dr. Gero himself. The insane scientist fires an energy blast as a smokescreen so he can escape to activate Androids 17 and 18 which sends Bulma flying. After saving his young mother and younger self, Trunks follows Vegeta to stop him from facing the Androids head-on as the others try to find Gero's laboratory before he does.
Dr. Gero hides on the ground as the Z Warriors are close to finding his secret laboratory, thanks to Bulma, but the mad doctor won't give up so easily. Meanwhile, Goku's condition is starting to get better.
Androids 17 and 18, the ones responsible for the future destruction of Earth, have finally awakened. It seems the Androids will not follow Dr. Gero's orders as they try to activate another Android- Android 16.
The Androids are heading to Goku's place to complete their mission, but Vegeta arrives to face them head-on. The first to fight is the beautiful Android 18.
Vegeta fights with everything he's got, but he can't beat Android 18. To save his father, Trunks steps in to help, but gets beaten easily by 17, as do Piccolo and Tien. As 16 just stands there, 17 and 18 have easily beat Earth's heroes and head off to complete their mission.
As the Androids try to find a car for some fun, the Z-Fighters try to think of a way to get stronger quickly as Piccolo heads to Kami's Lookout for the one thing he needs to beat the Androids- fuse with Kami. 
The Androids find a car to find Goku, but have to deal with the authorities. Meanwhile, Kami looks over the Earth for some time to decide to fuse with Piccolo, as Krillin and Trunks head to Goku's house to take him to master roshi’s. (Ep. 108-138) (Season 4 has 30 episodes)

 Season 5: Imperfect Cell and Perfect Cell Saga (After episode 138)

While Gohan and Trunks go to Master Roshi's island, there's a crisis in Gingertown where its inhabitants are disappearing but with no damage to the town. Realizing this threat, Kami decides to fuse with Piccolo.
            The deserted streets of Gingertown become a battlefield as the powered-up Piccolo confronts this terror from the future. The monster's name is Cell, and he gains strength from sucking the life out of his victims!
            With the element of surprise, the creature gets a hold of Piccolo and begins to absorb him, but Piccolo manages to break free. With his arm weakened, Piccolo surrenders, but the Super Namekian asks for one last request to know who this creature is. His name is Cell, an Android made of the strongest fighters in the universe and he's hungry for more power, thanks to Dr. Gero.  Plus, he needs to absorb androids 17 and 18, to gain his perfect form (EP. 139- 144)

After enduring the terrifically horrifying effect of the viral heart disease, Goku recovers, and has only one objective on his mind: surpassing the level of Super Saiyan. With Vegeta's mind set on reaching the same seemingly unreachable goal, Goku takes him, Trunks and Gohan to the mysterious Hyperbolic Time Chamber, a room where one year is equivalent to that of one Earth day.
            Piccolo begins his epic battle against Android 17, and he seems to be on par with the mechanical monster, meanwhile Bulma continues to work on the remote that will shut down the Androids. However, Cell can feel Piccolo's energy, and knowing he must be fighting one of the Androids, he charges towards them, in the hope that he will become complete.
            Cell has spotted 18, but so has Trunks, and he warns Krillin, 16, and 18 that Cell knows their whereabouts, just as Cell begins flying towards them. Trunks gives chase, and every time Cell gets the chance to absorb 18, Trunks intervenes. Vegeta has other plans, however, and begins to interfere with Trunks. Trunks defies Vegeta's thought that Trunks is too weak-minded to attack his own father, and sends Vegeta flying towards the water with a large Ki blast. As Trunks continues to interfere with Cell's quest, the android sees 16 and 18 getting away, and devises a plan, using Tien's "Solar Flare" technique to blind everybody, including Vegeta as he heads back to the battlefield. With nobody but Krillin to stand in his way, Cell is unphased by Krillin's attempts to stall Cell as he absorbs 18 and begins his transformation. (EP. 147.148.159) (Season 5 has 26 episodes)

Season 6: Cell Games Saga
Trunks tells the others about Cell's tournament. It will be held in ten days, which doesn't give them much time to prepare. Cell builds the tournament ring, and begins to get the word out about the Cell Games. 
            Goku and Gohan finally emerge from the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, and Trunks gets them up to speed on what's happening. They decide that in the nine remaining days until the Cell Games, Piccolo will go in the Chamber first, followed by Vegeta, and finally Trunks. Goku decides that he and Gohan don't need another period of training in the Chamber, and will finish their training outside.
            With Goku and Cell fully powered up, the battle begins, and as the match progresses, Cell realizes that they are very evenly matched, and so he resorts to trickery. First, he uses Tien's multi-form trick. Then he tries Piccolo's Special Beam Cannon and Frieza's final attack. Frustrated, he fires an incredibly powerful Kamehameha wave. Luckily, Goku is able to direct it away from the planet, and teleport back to the ring.   (EP. 166.168. AND 178)
Gohan, angered by the destruction of Andriod 16, begins to ascend to a Super Saiyan 2. Cell initially thinks that Gohan is making the same mistake that Trunks did, by simply powering up. Eventually though, Gohan fully transforms into a Super Saiyan 2, to the amazement of the Z-fighters. Gohan is fully powered up now, to the delight of Cell, until Gohan snatches the bag of senzu beans from Cell before he realizes it. With the beans in hand, he begins to attack the Cell Juniors. One by one, he destroys each of the Cell Juniors, each with a single blow. Trunks comments that he did the transformation right, increasing his strength without losing speed. When Gohan is finished destroying the Cell Juniors, he gives the senzu beans to Trunks, to distribute to the wounded Z Fighters, and moves on to Cell himself.
            Gohan, no matter how many attacks Cell throws at him, is totally unfazed by Cell's attacks, and it looks more and more like Gohan will win the battle. Desperate, Cell aims a massive Kamehameha wave at the Earth, hoping to destroy it. Gohan counters this with an even bigger wave, which hits Cell, and dismembers him. Gohan starts to reveal the sadistic qualities of the Super Saiyan 2, preferring to let Cell suffer, despite Goku's protests that Gohan must destroy Cell now. Cell regenerates himself, and becomes enraged, and powers up to an extreme power level, but makes the same mistake that Trunks did, and is unable to hit Gohan due to his size. Gohan then delivers several crushing blows to Cell, including a kick to his gut, which eventually causes Cell to regurgitate Android 18.
            With Android 18 no longer a part of Cell, he regresses to his second imperfect form and finds himself absolutely no match for Gohan. Goku pleads with Gohan to end the battle immediately, but Gohan's new found arrogance causes him to simply toy with Cell. In desperation, Cell decides to blow himself up along with the planet, but Goku makes the ultimate sacrifice. He transports Cell to King Kai's planet, and they are destroyed in the blast. As the Z Fighters are mourning the loss of their friend, and Gohan angered that his arrogance caused him to lose his father, Cell suddenly reappears and kills Trunks with a single blast. (EP. 185,187,188) (Season 6 has 28 episodes)

Due to not reveal all of the season in DBZ. This concludes the review for dbz.

Rate this 9/10 if any questions please email me at anime.rating@gmail.com