(Japanese) 4/23/10 Number 4: Dragon ball GT


(Dragonball GT has 64 episodes, 1 movie, and no dragon ball gt volumes (unfortunately).  This is the shortest series of dragonball ever. This is a continuation of dragonball Z.

Season 1(Ultimate Dragonball Saga)
When Goku and Uub are fighting at Kami's lookout, Emperor Pilaf and his crew climb up to the top and find the blackstar dragonballs. He then summons the dragon, who is then interrupted by goku. Pilaf than wishes for goku to become a little kid again so he could beat him up. After granting this wish, pilaf leaves. Kami says the only way to get the dragonballs back is to fly around the galaxy and collect them all. Goku decides that it would be much easier to just grow up, instead of making a wish. Goku now heads to town and finds Pan(goku's granddaughter, from Gohan and Videl), who is stopping a bank robbery. He then goes home, and explains eveyone what happened, then King Kai interrupts and says when the blackstar dragonballs are used on any planet, and are not returned in a year the planet will explode. (Note: now he has to go a collect the blackstars in one year before the earth explodes.)
Bulma begins preparing the spaceship for Goku's journey. Gohan decides to go, as well. Pan is very disappointed that she can't go. When it's time for blast-off, Vegeta decides that Trunks and Goten should go instead of Gohan, because in his eyes, the two of them have gotten soft in this time of peace. This means that Trunks will be relieved of his duties as president of Capsule Corp. While Goten is saying goodbye to his girlfriend, Trunks and Goku board the ship, only to find that Pan has snuck into the control room. She hits the blast-off button before Goten can climb aboard. (Note: Goku, trunks, and Pan now have to find the dragon balls).
After take-off a part from the jet fell off, this causes the whole jet to fall apart. Trunks makes a emergency landing on a planet called Imecka. Everyone at the planet charges for every little thing, even in the hotels.
When the gang walks back to the spaceship, trunks drops the radar which is then eaten by a small robot(named Giru). Once, they caught the robot they then notice their ship is being took away. (Ep. 1-3)      
(Note: there are 16 episodes in season 1)

Season 2: Baby Saga
(After episode 16) The robots analyze the captured Trunks and Goku, and find that they each have extraordinary power, particularly Goku. Pan sneaks into their hideout and finds some robot parts.
She disguises herself as a robot to further infiltrate the compound. Her identity is uncovered, and she is forced to fight one of the members of the Sigma Force. Real robots are revealed to have the power to walk through walls, and this Sigma Force robot uses that to his advantage.
Giru has uploaded fighting data on Goku, Trunks, and Pan into the other robots, which gives them the upper hand. Angry at Giru's betrayal, Pan explodes with furious rage, and destroys her opponent. Meanwhile, Goku wakes up and breaks out of his
containment chamber. Pan then breaks in, and is knocked out. Goku then takes on the remaining 3 sigma members, once proven goku is too strong for them. All 3 of them combine their power, but goku then doesn't need Super Saiyan to beat them. General Rilldo, gets angry and decides to wipe them out, so he heads for their spaceship.
Goku gets there before he can, Rilldo then shoots a beam toward Pan, but trunks pushed her out and got hit. He turned in to a metal block, which he is now teleported to Dr. Myu's lab for dissection. Meanwhile, Goku and General Rilldo have been fighting. Goku is swarmed by robots who appear out of nowhere, and he is forced to transform into a Super Saiyan. General Rilldo follows suit by powering up himself. Nearby chunks of machinery fly toward him while he's powering up, and he merges with them to
become Meta Rilldo. He then tells Goku to give up, because he can manipulate all the metal of the planet.
Pan, meanwhile, is trying to sneak into the main tower, but the emergency removal system keeps spitting her back out. But with the help of another robot, she deactivates the system. Before she can destroy Giru, he reactivates it, spitting her back out. Luckily, the Dragon Balls got spit out with her. Goku and Rilldo continue their fight. Pan shows up to tell Goku that she found the Dragon Balls. Rilldo catches them off guard and turns them into metal blocks, just like Trunks. They are transported to Dr. Myu's lab, where he prepares to dissect them.
Giru shows up and frees both Goku and Pan with a special beam. Before he can free Trunks, another robot grabs the block, and in the scuffle, it breaks. While Goku and Pan mourn his death, Trunks appears on the nearby staircase. He and Giru reveal that everything that happened on this planet was planned by Giru and him. The metal Trunks that was destroyed was a fake. Trunks opens a secret door in the lab, despite Dr.
Myu's protests. Dr. Myu's special creation Baby,  trunks then deactivates his life support.
As he tries to revive baby, trunks explains that when he was metal, giru freed him and made a replica of the metal. Meanwhile, the evil scientist has revived Baby, and the robot bursts out of his container. Goku, Trunks, and Pan immediately blast him, and when the smoke clears, Baby is gone. Dr. Myu runs to his spaceship and takes off. On the
ship, Baby bursts out of Dr. Myu, revealing that he used the scientist to create him. He crushes Myu's head, revealing the one-star ball inside.(Ep. 17-22)
(Note: the whole season are episodes 17-40)

Season 3: Super 17 Saga 
(After episode 40)   Goku, Pan, and Majuub enter the 31st world martial arts tournament. Goku has to enter the JR. division because he is a kid again. He asks Mr. Satan about this, he says it is because of goku's height, and Pan fights in the Adult division because she is taller than goku. Which at all isn't true, because mr.satan doesn't want to fight goku, he made up the rule. Goku makes it to the finals, but is knocked out of ring because he was too busy talking to vegeta. Pan makes it to the semi-finals and concedes because she
does not want to end up like her grandfather(mr. satan) Majuub makes it to the finals, but before he is about to win, Buu inside tells him not to win because mr.satan gives hope to people. Majuub then gets knocked out on purpose. Mr.satan retains his title.

Trunks shows up at goku's house badly beaten, and a black hole suddenly appears in the sky. When he recovers, he explains that Android 17 attacked him, and said that Dr.
Gero and Dr. Myu have demanded that Goku come to hell through the black hole and fight them, or else they will resurrect Cell and Frieza and send them to earth. Goku notices that all of the monsters he has defeated are now coming alive again. Goku decides to go to hell and fight.
Down in hell, Dr. Gero and Dr. Myu explain that they created a replica of the Android 17 on earth, but altered both of their programming to make them completely loyal. When these two androids fuse together, the resulting Super Android 17 will have
unbelievable power. When Goku arrives in hell, Dr. Gero and Dr. Myu flee, and close up the hole connecting earth and hell, trapping Goku inside. Cell and Frieza show up, and now that he's trapped in hell, he must fight cell and frieza.
Goku is now fighting, it is now obvious that goku is far stronger than both of 'em combined. He kills them both, but come back to life again. (Since cell and frieza already died and are in hell, they can't die again) They both trap goku, and send him in the depths of hell, his is now being tortured. Gohan on earth is now fighting rilldo, when he shoots the beam it makes gohan's right arm metal. Trunks and Goten are defeating the saibamen, while vegeta is fighting with the new android 17. The original 17 locates Krillin,  Marron, and Android 18. He hypnotizes her, and tells her to join him. Android 17 kills krillin, which sets off 18. While she loses to 17, 17 goes off to find his counter part. Down in hell, Goku's body heat weakens the ice enough for him to break it, and once he's out, he uses the freezing machine on Frieza and Cell and then accidentally shatters them.
Back on earth, the two 17's find each other and merge together, forming Super
Android 17. Vegeta, Trunks, Gohan, Goten, and Majuub all try to attack him, but their efforts are useless. 17 takes each of them down with a single punch. Watching this from hell, Goku asks King Yemma if he can bring him to earth, but it is beyond Yemma's power. Piccolo, however, has a plan, and requests that King Yemma send him to hell; when King Yemma refuses, Piccolo convinces him that he made a mistake by wreaking
havoc with numerous energy waves, and is sent to hell. Piccolo then telepathically tells dende for both of them to shoot enegy beams(but both of them have to be exact moment and same place). Once they made the black hole, he told goku to go on ahead because piccolo must remain still, he says he can stay there for eternity just for helping an old friend. Goku accepts and leaves hell.
Vegeta, Trunks, Gohan, Goten, and Majuub are now badly beaten from super 17, 17 turns on dr.gero because, dr.myu made 17 to only listen to his directions, and so gero is now out of the picture. Before 17 is about to kill vegeta, trunks, gohan, goten, and majuub, goku shows up and pushes 17 out of the way. (Ep. 41-45)
(Note: The episodes for the season are 41-47)   

Season 4: Shadow Dragon Saga 
(After episode 47) The new dragon shows up to be pure evil, he sucks up the dragonballs and splits into 7 more dragons and run off. Elder kai explains that when the dragonballs are used, they are stored with negative energy. Which should take about 100 years to dissipate. But having using the dragonballs so much, the rate of
negative energy has gone up. Once the negative energy is stored up fully, the balls crack and create Shadow Dragons (7 of them). Very evil and powerful.
Goku having felt guilty, left off to fight the dragons. Pan along with Giru joins goku, as they notice the 2 star dragon torturing a city. The two star dragon, Haze shenron, is polluting the city, Pan who is so much stronger than the dragon (he is getting pounded)... (Ep. 48-49) (Note: The episodes for the season are 48-64)

A very good series, even though really short also.
  I rate this 8.5/10. No manga books
If any questions email me at anime.rating@gmail.com