(American) 5-16-10 Number 4: Family Guy

Family Guy is an American animated TV series. The series centers on the Griffins, a dysfunctional family consisting of parents Peter and Lois; their children Meg, Chris, and Stewie; and their anthropomorphic pet dog Brian. Family guy has now 8 seasons, 147 episodes. And is about the begin season 9 in September 2010. (There are movies, except they are part of the episode. For ex, "Something, Something, Something, Darkside." is known as a movie. But air it as a episode.)

 Season 1:
When Peter gets fired from his job and attempts to find a new one, he ends up getting a welfare check from the government, with an unexpected surprise. Peter takes Meg on a drive and accidentally knocks out the city's cable television. Peter tells Meg that if she takes blame for the incident, he will buy her a new car. Peter than gets bored without television so he makes life his own TV show. Peter allows Meg to attend a friend's party the same day as Stewie's first birthday, which upsets Lois. Little does Meg know that she is attending a cult party. The cult leader follows Peter when he picks up Meg, and is mistaken by Stewie as the doctor who he thinks is plotting to put him back in the womb. Peter punches a pregnant woman he thought was a man during a soccer game and ends up being placed under house arrest. Restless, Peter builds a bar in his basement where Lois ends up stealing the spotlight. Meanwhile, Stewie attempts to build a time machine to avoid the pain of teething, and experiences his first alcoholic misdemeanors. Peter is initially annoyed when Joe Swanson moves to Quahog with his family, but is forced to recruit him for his company's softball team before realizing he's a paraplegic. Nevertheless, Joe wins the game and the hearts of everyone else and becomes a hero, driving Peter to become a hero himself. Peter takes the family to New York to reinstate Chris into the Youth Scouts after he is kicked out. But when Peter makes a pit stop at an Indian casino, Lois develops a gambling habit that costs her the family car, and Peter must go on a vision quest to prove his Native American blood and get it back. Brian swallows his pride when Peter convinces him to join a dog show so they can win money for a new air conditioner. But after an argument over a trick gone bad, Brian realizes he's a second-class citizen and runs away from home, but his fight for his civil rights lands him in the pound on the death row. (Ep. 1-7) (Season 1 has 7 episodes).

Season 2: (After episode 7)
One of Lois' relatives passes away, leaving Lois and the rest of the family her posh summer mansion in a will. However, when Peter becomes convinced that he is rich and ultimately bids $100 million at a charity auction, he attempts to convince the landowners his house is valuable enough to trade instead. After several futile attempts to "prove" that Cherrywood Manor has enough historical value to cover the bid, Peter makes up with Lois and uncovers a set of hidden photographs which show several prominent American figures  at Cherrywood Manor, which was a Whorehouse at the time. This discovery allows Peter to buy back his home after selling the pictures to the tabloids. Afterwards, Peter decides that he does not care what Lois' relatives think of him, calling them "a bunch of pimps and whores". Peter's devoutly religious, recently retired father Francis comes to visit, though he is intolerant of the others and makes life miserable for them; nevertheless, Peter tries to bond with him, since he had always been neglectful of his son. When all else fails, Peter resorts to kidnapping the Pope by taking the place of his regular driver to settle their conflict. He then brings the Pope back to his house, where his holiness attempts to mediate his problems. Afterwards, Peter reconciles with Francis, who is hired for the job of working as the Pope's security guard during his tour of the United states, pushing down people who are not allowed to be near the Pope and those who are allowed to be near the Pope, but are in his way, including fox personnel, much to the Pope's dismay. Peter's mom shows up at the door and wishes to live with the family, prompting them to flee the house in an escape pod. Stewie is being blamed for urinating all over the house and is forced to learn how to use the toilet, but when the culprit turns out to be Brian, Brian seeks therapy about his accidents and attempts to travel the world to find himself, only to learn that his deep feelings for Lois are the cause. The neighbors fight over a trophy won for the best parade float, and when it ends up getting stolen, everyone in town becomes a prime suspect. Meanwhile, Meg takes a job as a waitress at a pancake restaurant to earn money for a Prada bag, and claims that Stewie is her crack-addicted son for sympathy tips. (Ep. 8,9,10,11) (Season 2 has 21 episodes).
Season 3:(After episode 21)
In search of a thrill in life, Brian becomes a police dog. However, Brian's drug-sniffing job leaves him addicted to cocaine, so he must go into rehab. When he discovers that the clinic isn't helping, Brian decides to do a little soul-searching and leaves the family for parts unknown. Brian moves to Los Angeles with his cousin after his drug rehabiliation and inadvertently becomes a film director. The family decides to visit Brian for support in his new career, though it turns out Brian is directing pornography. Not wanting his family to find this out, he tries to cover it up. The toy factory at which Peter works is taken over by a cigarette company who hires Peter as the new president. He is then sent to Washington D.C.as a lobbyist so they can create toys that encourage kids to smoke, and the entire family can't help but enjoy the perks that come with the job. Everything in town is destroyed in Quahog after a hurricane — except the Drunken Clam, which is turned into a British Pub by a man who becomes the Griffins' new neighbor. Meanwhile, Stewie tries to teach his new neighbor's crass English daughter how to drop her cockney accent and speak properly. Peter is intimidated by Chris' larger penis and then becomes very self-conscious about his own manhood, joining a gun club to make himself feel more masculine. Meanwhile, Meg becomes a flag-girl, and when she is humiliated by the popular kids at school, Lois devises a plan for revenge. (Ep. 22,23,24,25,26) (Season 3 has 22 episodes) 

Season 4:(After episode 50) 
Realizing their marriage has lost its spice, Peter and Lois go on a second honeymoon, and leave Brian in charge of the kids. On their way over, Peter crashes the car, and he decides to pose as actor Mel Gibson so he and Lois can stay in his luxury hotel suite. They discover and attempt to destroy a copy of the unwanted sequel of Passion of the Christ, and run afoul of the priests who come to retrieve it. As Peter buries the film in a cornfield, Lois is kidnapped by Gibson's associates, who want the film in return. Peter exchanges the film reel for Lois on the top of Mount Rushmore. As they are about to leave, Gibson discovers that Peter has replaced the film with dog feces, leading to a chase. Gibson eventually falls off the mountain, and Peter and Lois have intercourse on the face of the mountain and put the spice back in their marriage. Brian becomes a substitute English teacher at Chris' school, after the departure the former English teacher. Brian is transferred to a class for troubled teens and has a hard time reaching them. He eventually inspires them to aspire to low-level jobs. Meanwhile, Chris becomes attracted to Mrs. Lockhart, Brian's sexy replacement teacher. She promises to return his love if he helps her murder her husband, Chris does not agree, and Mrs. Lockhart gets a bear to commit the crime. Lois and the rest of the family assume Chris murdered Mr. Lockhart and cover up the crime, until the Channel 5 news reports that he was not involved. After he is discovered spying in the ladies room, Quagmire is taught self-control through operant conditioning by Peter and his friends. He finds it hard to depart from his sexual behaviour and, trying to adapt to normal life, he accidentally enters a CCTV camera operation room, where he notices a woman in a changing room is having a heart attack. He gives her CPR and is praised by the Quahog community for his heroic behavior, though he intended to molest the woman while she was unconscious. Jealous of his friend's achievement, Peter does whatever he can to achieve something he will be remembered for. His ambitions, however, ultimately cost him his eyesight. While he is blind, he unknowingly rescues the owner of the local bar from a fire and is a awarded medal by the mayor and receives an eye transplant. After she gets a makeover to boost her confidence Meg becomes extremely attractive. Meanwhile, Peter aspires to start a rock band which, along with Meg's new attractiveness and talented singing voice, causes the entire family to become a traveling band and earns them a spot on Saturday night live. Meg is seduced by Jimmy Fallon, and has sex with him, but discovers that the entire encounter is being aired on live television as part of the show. Peter attacks and beats up Fallon in revenge. Afterward, Meg returns to her old look as she feels "being beautiful is too much work". It is then revealed that the entire show is on a set, and the Griffins leave the living room and walk to the main stage where the rest of the episode's cast has gathered, Peter thanks everyone in the style of Saturday Night Live. Cleveland's wife Loretta starts an affair with Quagmire and is secretly caught red-handed by Peter and Brian. Brian and Peter eventually inform Cleveland, who encounters Loretta. Loretta leaves Cleveland because she feels he is too soft. Because Cleveland responds in his usual mild-mannered way, Peter decides to teach Cleveland to express his true emotions. When one of his methods finally works, Cleveland becomes mad and intends to kill Quagmire. However, when Cleveland locates Quagmire, he realizes he can not kill another human being, even though he hurt him badly. Cleveland and Quagmire apologize to each other and, at Quagmire's insistence, take out their remaining aggressions on each other in a boxing ring. (EP. 51,52,53,54,55) (Total season 3 episodes are 30)

Season 5:(After episode 80)     
Quahog succumbs to a flu epidemic, and vaccinations are in short supply. While attempting to receive one from Dr. Elmer Hartman, the Griffin family doctor, Peter is informed he is in need of a prostate exam, but leaves the exam immediately under the belief that the doctor had attempted to rape him. He decides to sue the doctor, to the disbelief of Brian and Lois. Upon later discovering he has developed prostate cancer, he reaches an agreement with the doctor: if he drops all charges, Dr. Hartman will diagnose Peter's problem. Meanwhile, Stewie begins to admire Lois, after she rescued his beloved teddy bear, Rupert, from a vicious dog, and repaired it. As he becomes increasingly dependent on her, she attempts a hands-off parenting approach, ultimately leading Stewie to return to his old ways after she refuses to respond to his need for attention. While attending the Quahog Airshow, the Griffins lose Stewie. A passing radio worker consults Brian over the prospect of beginning a stint as a radio host, after hearing him call for Stewie over the loud-speaker. Brian then begins his radio career, but is told to seek the aid of Stewie, after he had made a prank call to Brian while he was on the air, much to his annoyance. Meanwhile,Thelma Griffin, Peter's mother, visits the household, telling Peter she has split up with his father, Francis Griffin, to Peter's dismay. She begins a sexual relationship with local news anchorman Tom Tucker, but the couple break up just as Peter is beginning to adapt to having a new father. Brian later resigns from his radio career for unspecified reasons. After Peter fails to pick up Meg from the skating rink, she demands that Peter and Lois allow her to buy a car. Despite Meg showing an interest in a station wagon, Peter uses her money to buy a military tank. After he repeatedly uses it to destroy objects in the neighborhood, Joe Swanson impounds it. Meanwhile, a new shop is being built, Superstore USA. When it opens, Quahog begins to suffer from frequent power outages, due the store's increasing demand for electricity. Small businesses in the town also begin to go out of business. After looking for a job, Meg is employed by the store, despite Peter leading protests outside. When Peter is persuaded by the store to become an employee, Brian decides to destroy the store. He obtains the tank and, alongside Stewie, destroys the store from the inside out, and regular living circumstances are restored to the town. Chris decides he wants to join the United States Army after a presentation by the organization at his school. After telling the family over dinner in the evening, Brian stops at the army recruitment office the following day, when taking Stewie out of the house, but Stewie decides to sign the pair of them up for the army when Brian leaves to top-off the parking meter. Brian becomes stressed with the army training, and later decides he is going to leave, but is persuaded otherwise by Stewie. In an attempt to distract Chris from joining the army, Peter gets Chris a role in a gothic school band, which turns Chris into a rude child. Brian then successfully completes the training with Stewie, and the pair are sent to serve in Iraq, where, upon discovering they do not want to be there, attempt to get themselves dismissed. After this fails, a message comes through telling them that the war is over, and that they are free to go home. Quagmire returns from a vacation in Florida, smuggling fireworks back in his anus. When playing with the fireworks, Peter ends up holding one of the lit firecrackers, and it explodes, blowing off several of his fingers in the process. His fingers are reattached by hospital staff, but Peter begins to fall behind at work, so he requests that Lois do his work for him, after being threatened with the prospect of dismissal if he does not catch up. Peter attempts on numerous occasions to seduce Lois, resulting in her eventually giving in, and having sex with him in his office. Meanwhile, Brian begins dating Jillian, an attractive, but "dumb" young woman; much to the enjoyment of Stewie. Persuaded by Stewie to end the relationship, due to her lack of intelligence, Brian goes to her house, but ends up having sex with her, rather than breaking up.(Ep. 81,82,83,84,85) (Season 5 has 18 episodes)

Season 6: (After episode 98)                                                                                                                (Note: I am not going to do episode 99... because it is too hilarious for me to tell)
Peter convinces Brian to move in with his girlfriend Jillian and Stewie tags along to help pay the rent but he tries to interfere with their relationship. Meanwhile Meg and Chris get jobs at the convenience store where Chris befriends the manager Carl who leaves Meg to do all the work. Carl soon fires her and promotes Chris to the co-boss. Joe, feeling his disability is affecting his marriage, regains the ability to walk after a leg transplant. He decides to play extreme sports and spends most of his time with more athletic people forsaking Peter, Quagmire and Cleveland who set all out to re-cripple him to bring him back to wheelchair Earth. Lois leaves the family behind to go on a cruise with Peter. Jealous that he does not get to come with them, Stewie begins to plot his diabolical revenge. Brian is skeptical, saying Stewie will never go through with it, so Stewie stows on board the ship and apparently kills Lois, sending her overboard. A year later, Brian discovers what Stewie did and tries looking for evidence. Stewie throws away all evidence pointing to his crime, which is found by Peter's suspicious friends, who conclude that Peter murdered Lois. Peter is put on trial, but before he is sent to jail, Lois returns alive and points Stewie out as her killer. Returning from her presumed death, Lois reveals her attempted killer to be Stewie. Now on the run from the police for attempting to murder Lois, Stewie holds his family hostage and sets out to put his diabolical plans of world domination into motion. Stewie blackmails the C.I.A into naming him President of the World, allowing him to reign supreme. Desperate to put Stewie's reign of terror to an end, Lois goes to kill Stewie. After a heated battle, though, Lois is unable to bring herself to kill her baby. Stewie tries to kill Lois, but ends up being killed by Peter. In the end, everything is revealed to be part of a computer simulation Stewie was running to see what would have happened if he had tried to kill Lois on the cruise. Peter takes so much pride in being an American citizen that he starts an anti-immigrant campaign in town—until he discovers that he himself is actually an illegal immigrant born in Mexico. Unable to prove or obtain his citizenship, he loses his job and must work at Carter Pewterschmidt's estate as a servant. (EP. 100-104) (Season 6 has 12 episodes)   

Season 7: (After episode 110) 
Brian sets his sights on a girl named Carolyn and follows Stewie's advice to take things slow with the relationship only to drive her crazy and straight into Cleveland's arms. Brian does whatever it takes to win her back, even if it means getting Cleveland's ex-wife Loretta Brown involved. Peter gets a record for his favorite song Surfin' Bird , a song so annoying that he drives everyone insane with it, prompting Brian and Stewie to destroy the record. Distraught, Peter goes to the record store for another copy and discovers Jesus disguised as the store clerk, and the two start hanging out. Mort Goldman accidentally steps into Stewie's time machine and goes back in time and Brian and Stewie follow to retrieve him. When they discover that they've ended up in 1939 Poland, Stewie, Brian and Mort must make a perilous journey to Nazi Germany to find their way back to the present. Peter gets a lasting supply of gasoline for the year so the family decides to use it to take a road trip to the Grand Canyon. They pack up to later realize they left Stewie behind. When Brian gets injured during a take of Peter's version of Jackass the Griffins realize that Brian may be getting too old so Peter brings home a new dog prompting Brian to leave. Everyone else however loves "New Brian"; all except for Stewie, who does not like his constant happy attitude. Stewie kills "New Brian" and "Old Brian" returns and everyone doesn't seem to mind or even care. Peter does everything so he can to receive a promotion at work but he must first be sent back to repeat the third grade in order to qualify. Meanwhile Frank Sinatra, Jr. returns to quahog to buy the local nightclub with Brian and make it the hottest new spot in town but Stewie has a few ideas of his own.(Ep. 111-116) (Season 7 has 16 episodes)

Season 8:(After episode 126)
(Note: Season 8 has 21 episodes, due to the touchy feeling in episode 21 they will not be airing this on tv. They will air the rest of the 20. They will put episode 21 on the DVD version). 

Stewie shows Brian a remote that allows him to access different parallel universes, each depicting Quahog in the same time and place, but under different conditions. Travelling to one of the universes, an impressed Brian asks if the remote can take them to other universes. Eventually, they reach a universe where humans are subservient to dogs, but Stewie is unable to figure out how to modify the device so that they can return home. Brian is reluctant to leave and swipes the remote, causing them to fight over the device, and break the device. In desperation, the two head to the universe's Griffin Family, who are all dogs, except for their pet Brian, who is human, hoping to find a solution. The dog version of Stewie quickly confronts Brian and Stewie, explaining that he knows how to control the destination, after developing his own remote. Before he can fetch it, however, regular Stewie bites the dog version of Peter in anger, and is sent to the human pound, where he will be euthanized. Dog Brian, regular Brian, and dog Stewie go to the human pound, free Stewie, and both regular Stewie and regular Brian are sent back to their universe. Peter falls in love with a cardboard cutout of supermodel Kathy Ireland and has an "affair" with it. Thinking Lois will be devastated, he is shocked to find out that she does not care. Eventually he learns that Chris has taken the cutout to his room, and accidentally breaks it while angrily shaking it for "cheating" on him, and eventually buries the cutout in the yard. Later while having sex with Lois, Peter discovers a lump on her breast, and she goes to the hospital to have it tested. The test comes back negative, but looking through her medical records, the doctor discovers that Lois's mother was a Holocaust survivor, making Lois and her children Jewish. Despite being Catholic, Peter becomes a devout Jew, much to Lois's frustration. That night, however, peter is visited by the ghost of his father, who warns him that he will go to Hell if he is not Catholic. The next day, Peter decides to convert the family back and becomes prejudiced against Lois for her heritage, becoming anti-Semetic. Taking advice from her mother not to let Peter suppress her identity, Lois decides to hold Passover, which Peter tries to ruin. Jesus then appears and points out that Catholicism and Judaism are very similar. Peter loses to Lois in a race for the bathroom and finds their other bathroom is occupied, so he begins frequently using the toilet in Cleveland's old house until it is sold to actors Chevy Chase and Dan Aykroyd. Suspicious as to why Chase and Aykroyd are living in their neighborhood, Stewie and Brian investigate their house and discover a secret underground military facility, learning that the actors are government spies. The group tries to warn Mayor West about sleeper agents in Quahog, only to discover that he is also a sleeper agent. During the ensuing fight, Aykroyd plants a homing beacon on Mayor West's leg before West escapes to Russia. In Russia, the four are quickly captured under orders of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, who explains that word of the sleeper agent plan would be an embarrassment to their government, and offers to help them stop West from fulfilling his pre-programmed mission. By the time the four find West, they see him launch a nuclear missile aimed for the United States before he returns to normal. Aykroyd is able to hack into the missile's guidance system, allowing him to aim the missile's warhead high above the Earth's atmosphere and harmlessly explode.  
(Episode 127-129)(Season 8 has a total of 21 episodes)

Very hilarious show, I rate this 9.5/10
If any questions please email me at anime.rating@gmail.com