(Japanese) 4/30/10 Number 5: The Big O

The series has 26 episodes(2 seasons), no movies, and unknown amount of manga books.(But there are manga books on this, check the library) Anyway this starts out as the city of Paradigm City, a city about 40 years ago something happened that made everyone forget everything.       (a.k.a the city of amnesia).

Roger Smith, Paradigm City's top Negotiator, is hired to oversee the retrieval of Dorothy, the kidnapped daughter of the wealthy scientist Miguel Soldano. But in the City of Amnesia, things are not always what they seem. Dorothy's secret is  later revealed and her relationship to the man she calls "Father" explained. Recently, there's been a number of power outages in Paradigm. Roger is hired by Paradigm Power Management to go to the Electric City and negotiate with the locals the reactivation of the hydroelectric power plant. They say a god lives in the water.
Journalist Michael Seebach has gone missing for three months, and has taken his latest manuscript with him. Paradigm Press hires Roger to retrieve that manuscript and give Seebach his severance pay. In his search for Seebach, Roger discovers the reporter had been leading a double life... They say when the fog is thick enough, a ghost appears by the Hudson River. Three of the top brass of the Military Police have already died after seeing it. Meanwhile, Roger is hired by a wealthy old woman to help find her son, despite the fact he is known to be deceased.
Sick and tired of waking up to the banging of piano keys, Roger makes Dorothy take piano lessons with R. Instro. Instro's a very gifted concert pianist, but when an old colleague of his father's pays him a visit Instro questions his father's legacy to him. While working separate cases, Roger and Angel wind up trapped together underwater, with only a little amount of air left. It all started three days before...In Paradigm City, cats are rare creatures. So, naturally, when Dorothy brings one home Roger has his doubts. But when the cat's owners show up, things do not get much clearer.
Beck busts out of jail and has a new scheme up his sleeve. Roger's brought in to negotiate in the kidnapping of the son of the Wise Group, but there's one problem: Mr. Wise will not listen to Roger! At this rate, negotiations will not conclude in time. "Vous ĂȘtes si gentil," she whispers. Dan Dastun has been dreaming of a foreign woman for quite some time now. But when he meets the woman of his dreams on the streets of Paradigm, he has to wonder: Are imagination and memory but one thing? A threat has been received on the main offices of Paradigm. "In seven days, the world will be reborn." The date: Heaven's Day, the day of Paradigm's founding.
With only two days left, Roger and the Military Police scramble to nullify the threat by Heaven's Day Eve. Schwarzwald returns. His search for the truth leads him to a weapon powerful enough to defeat Roger and The Big O. It's heavy metal action when Big O battles Big Duo!
A killer stalks the streets of Paradigm. A series of seemingly unrelated murders has the Military Police stumped as to the motive and the only clue is the killer's calling card: "Cast in the Name of God, Ye not Guilty." three foreign megadeuses arrive in Paradigm City. In the midst of battle, Roger gets a burst of Memories: a town without domes, where its citizens have not forgotten who they are and The Negotiator is not needed.
Phantoms of the past emerge, for it is so destined. The word on the streets is the members of Paradigm's Senate know something from before 40 years ago. Kelly Fitzgerald, wife of Senator Roscoe Fitzgerald, hires Roger to negotiate with the assassin targeting her husband. A mysterious object shrouded in light has crash-landed in the City of Amnesia. Like a thief in the night, a Paradigm investigation team recovered it before too long. Now the locals hire Roger to negotiate with Paradigm to hand it over, pinning their hopes that it is an Angel of Salvation. Schwarzwald is attempting to spread terror in Paradigm. His latest work foretells the coming of a sand dragon, a Leviathan. It is up to Roger to stop the impending doom that awaits the City of Amnesia.
Beck busts out of jail again - with an afro - and has another scheme up his sleeve. But when The Negotiator himself is the target of Beck's kidnapping. With the case of the android crusher still unsolved, Paradigm HQ takes drastic measures by assigning a new inspector, R. Frederick O'Reilly, to the case. The android and Colonel Dastun form an uneasy partnership to catch the criminal. Roger's nightmares return and the doubts concerning his role in Paradigm drive him towards Ailesberry, to the one man who may know the truth.
The stage is set and the players are ready. The War of Paradigm City will soon begin. The Union's attack on Paradigm continues. Dorothy's in danger and the Big O concedes the fight, so now it falls to another the task of saving the city. The Military Police is rounding up citizens suspect of being Union sleeper agents. Meanwhile, Alex Rosewater looks for the means to reactivate the Big Fau. If the Union takes the memories, hellfire will burn down Paradigm once again. Before this happens, Roger must find Angel.
Paradigm takes the fight to Roger. Aided by the greatest villain of all, Paradigm mounts an army of spider robots and resurrects Big Duo. The mysteries of the event 40 years ago are unlocked. The cruel acts of Rhomstead accidentally unlock Rosewater's memories, but something even more important is unleashed: the true form of memories...as well as Angel's. The curtain falls on Paradigm City.

I would rate this a 8.1/10, due to the lack of episodes (did not read manga so can not rate)

If any questions please email me at anime.rating@gmail.com