(American) 5-10-10 Number 1: Avatar the Last Airbender

Yes, this is an American cartoon. Search it up.  Avatar the last airbender, had 61 episodes (and the movie was shown on tv also, but in 4 parts). And soon to be a live action movie, The Last Airbender (in theaters July 2nd, 2010)  There is no manga, not yet. But soon to be.... Generation to Generation there is a avatar. the one who is able to bend all 4 elements. there are different avatars every generation. If an avatar dies, he/she will be reincarnated and will become a different bender.(If he is a airbender, he might become a earth bender.)

Season 1: Water
While fishing, Sokka and Katara discover Aang and his flying bison Appa icebound floating on the sea. After freeing him, they discover that Aang is an airbender from the Air Nomads, a race of people assumed to have died out a hundred years before. Later, he reluctantly reveals that he is also the Avatar, the only person with the power to manipulate all four elements. The Avatar is reincarnated generation after generation and would be the only one who could prevent the Fire Nation from conquering all the nations, which is why the Fire Nation exterminated the Air Nomads. Meanwhile, Zuko, the banished Prince of the Fire Nation, is patrolling the seas in search of the Avatar. While exploring an abandoned Fire Nation ship, Katara tells Aang about the war that had been going on for the past hundred years. They accidentally set off an explosion in the ship, which alerts Zuko to the village.
When Zuko locates the Southern Water Tribe village where Aang has been, he demands the Avatar be surrendered to him. Aang returns into the village, despite having been banished, to surrender himself to Zuko as long as he agrees to leave the village alone. Aboard Zuko's ship, Aang is at Zuko's mercy, but he eventually manages to maneuver away from the guards and to battle Zuko. Katara and Sokka take the flying bison Appa to go after Aang. Aang and his friends manage to defeat Zuko and his
subordinates. Katara and Sokka decide to travel with Aang to the North Pole so that Aang can learn waterbending from members of the Northern Water Tribe. (ep 1-2)

Katara, despite her limited training as a waterbender, begins teaching Aang, and is frustrated when he surpasses her without effort. Having said that, Aang accidentally washes away their supplies while practicing. When they go in town to buy more supplies, Katara finds a waterbending scroll at a store run by pirates. After Katara steals the scroll, the pirates chase the group. Meanwhile, Zuko runs into the pirates and agrees to help them find Aang and the scroll that Katara stole. Zuko captures Katara and the pirates capture Aang and Sokka. A fight breaks out between Zuko's crew and the pirates. During the commotion, the group escapes with the waterbending scroll.  After the journey to the Northern Air Temple, the group lurks around the waters surrounding the North Pole, seeking out the Northern Water Tribe. They are found by a group of waterbenders from the tribe, who show them the way.
Upon arriving, the gang is welcomed warmly by the citizens of the Northern Water Tribe, and the chief of the tribe throws a huge party in celebration. Sokka meets Yue, an attractive princess whom he falls for. Aang and Katara seek to learn waterbending from a master named Pakku, but he refuses to teach Katara due to sexist customs. Katara proves herself worthy, both by demonstration of technique and by invoking the memory of Pakku's beloved ex-fiancee—Katara's own grandmother, who could not stand to live under the Northern Water Tribe's misogyny—and Pakku relents. Meanwhile, Admiral Zhao hires the pirates from "The Waterbending Scroll" to assassinate Zuko; with his nephew killed, Iroh agrees to assist Zhao with an attack on the North Pole. But Zuko has survived, and, with Iroh's help, sneaks aboard Zhao's lead ship as his fleet departs. (ep 9 & 18)(The total season episodes are 20)

Season 2: Earth (After episode 20)  
Aang, katara, sokka, momo, and appa travel to an Earth Kingdom military base to receive an escort to the city of Omashu, where King Bumi can teach Aang earthbending. But the general at the military base suggests that Aang defeat the Fire Lord immediately by triggering the Avatar State, a powerful but destructive defense mechanism. After many failed attempts, the General finally succeeds in triggering the Avatar State by faking
Katara's death. Aang nearly destroys the base in anger and the group decides to go to

Omashu alone. Meanwhile, Zuko is approached by his sister, Azula, who has been sent to bring him and Uncle Iroh to the Fire Nation to be punished. After he and Iroh escape, they are forced to go into hiding amongst the Earth Kingdom. Aang and the group find Omashu captured by the fire nation. They sneak in and are caught by Fire Nation soldiers, but use pockmarks from a starfish that attached itself to Sokka's face to invent a disease. They then meet a resistance movement, and help the whole city escape by faking an epidemic the same animals. However, the Fire Nation Governor's baby son accidentally leaves with the citizens. Aang attempts to trade him for King Bumi, but fails when azula merely uses the exchange to attempt his capture. Aang does manage
to rescue Bumi, but Bumi allows himself to be recaptured, saying that he must wait for a more proper time; Aang also returns the toddler without taking credit. Mai and Ty Lee are introduced (ep. 21 & 23)

While at an Earthbending tournament (a send-up of pro wrestling), the group sees its reigning champion, "The Blind Bandit," whom Aang recognizes as the girl from his visions. Though this girl, Toph, is an unmatched Earthbender, her parents are over-protective of her on account of her blindness; she has to sneak out at night to compete. Aang asks her to teach him, but she turns him down. Later, Aang and Toph are captured by the owner of the Earthbending Tournament, Xin Fu. Toph uses Earthbending to save them, but her parents angrily confine Toph to their home and banish Aang from their home. Toph, changing her mind, runs away to join Aang.
Toph's father hires both Xin Fu and Toph's Earthbending instructor, Master Yu, to go after her. Aang, Katara, Sokka and Toph are chased by an unknown machine, which makes it impossible for the group to stop and sleep. After cleaning Appa so his fur does not leave a trail, Aang goes one way as a decoy, and Sokka and Katara go another direction on Appa. Sokka and Katara are tracked by Ty Lee and Mai, who are inside the machine, while azula chases Aang. When the two start fighting, Zuko arrives to capture Aang and fight off Azula; the two are eventually joined by Katara, Sokka, Iroh and Toph. In the face of such overwhelming odds, Azula pretends to surrender, only to wound Iroh with fire before making her escape. (ep. 26 and 28)(Total season episodes are 20)

Season 3: Fire
 (After episode 40) (This is where Zuko becomes, Aangs teacher) (Ironic, Huh)
Aang awakes to find himself crippled onboard a stolen fire nation ship with the group, Bato, and Hakoda. Aang is shocked to discover that following his injury  in Ba Sing Se, the world believes him to be dead. After a great deal of persuasion, Aang agrees to keep his existence a secret. While he has been healed of his injury by Katara, Aang finds that his seventh chakara is locked, preventing him from entering the Avatar State. Zuko and Azula sail home in peace, but Zuko secretly fears being rejected by his father, fire lord Ozai. (Ep. 41) 

When Aang reveals his decision to wait until after the comet passes to confront Ozai, Zuko explains the Fire Lord's plan to use the power of Sozin′s Comet to destroy all of the Earth Kingdom, forcing Aang to attack the Fire Lord before the comet's arrival. During the night, Aang is drawn towards an island, prompting the group to find a tracker (June, as seen in the first season) as an attempt to locate him. Ozai promotes Azula to Fire Lord and crowns himself Phoenix King, ruler of the entire world, while Aang awakens on an island not knowing where he is. While on the island, Aang seeks guidance from his past lives; he is uneasy with the idea that he should kill Ozai, which goes against his pacifist Air Nomad beliefs. Unfortunately, all four Avatars he is able to contact all tell him that he must put aside his own opinions for the good of the world. However, it is the island itself, in fact a lion-turtle and the oldest living thing in the world, from whom Aang receives the guidance he had been seeking. Meanwhile, June is unable to find Aang, and the group decides they must find Iroh, the only man who could possibly oppose Ozai.

Iroh is amidst a convocation of the Order of the White Lotus, an orded which transcends the division of the four nations. After a discussion with Iroh, the team decides to split up; Sokka, Suki, and Toph head to stop the Fire Nation's air fleet, the Order goes to reclaim Ba Sing Se for the Earth Kingdom, and Katara, Zuko, and Appa travel to the Fire Nation's capitol to defeat Azula. Zuko and Katara confront Azula, but she challenges Zuko to a one-on-one Agni Kai. Zuko is wounded by a blast of lightning while protecting Katara.
Meanwhile, Aang finally confronts Ozai but finds himself overwhelmed by
Ozai's comet-enhanced Firebending. Sokka, Toph, and Suki attempt to halt the fleet but are soon separated, while the Order of the White Lotus battles for Ba Sing Se. During the battle, Ozai slams Aang into a sharp rock, which stabs Aang's scar. Aang releases the seventh chakra and enters the "Avatar State". Though Aang easily overwhelms Ozai, he refuses to kill him. Aang instead uses Energybending, which he had just learned
from the lion-turtle, to strip Ozai of his Firebending powers. The Order of the White Lotus manage to liberate Ba Sing Se, and Katara defeats Azula and heals Zuko. During his coronation, Fire Lord Zuko promises to aid the world in reconstruction. The series ends with Aang and Katara kissing on a balcony in Ba Sing Se.(EP. 58-61, also known as avatar the last airbender movie) (Season 3 is the last 21 episodes).     

I rate this show an 8.7/10

 If you have any questions please email me at anime.rating@gmail.com thanks.